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Chapter One

Are you ready for a story? It’s an incomplete story but true. At this point all I can give you are a few of the beginning chapters, but I also know how this story ends. As many of you know, for the past few years Beth and I have been trying to move to Ireland. We began the process in 2019 and so far, it’s been a difficult one. However, we are taking a step of faith and moving to Bray which is a small town south of Dublin at the beginning of August. Now, let me back up and tell you how we got here.

One night about twenty years ago I had a dream. The best way to describe it here in this letter is to say the dream had an “Irish theme” to it. When I woke up, I knew the dream was from the Lord, but I didn’t know what it meant. A few months later I believe I had another dream from the Lord. The next day as I was thinking about that dream, I realized that it was St. Patrick’s Day. I still didn’t know what the dreams meant, but I realized a theme was beginning to develop. From time to time after I had these dreams, I would contemplate their meaning, but could never put it together. Beth and I never had an inclination that the dreams meant we were supposed to move to Ireland. That all changed in a Mexican restaurant in 2018.

My friend Tyler Lynde was telling me about a trip he and his wife Amy had recently made to Ireland. As he was telling me about his trip and the needs of the Irish people, I began to understand what my dreams meant. When Beth and I got in the car to go home, I told her what was taking place in my heart and soul. From that night we began asking the question: “Could we move to Ireland?” Fast forward 6 years later: We’ve all gone through a pandemic. My wife went back to school to earn her bachelor’s degree in nursing (more on that in a minute). I released 2 EPs: Army of Stars Vol. 1 and Vol. 2 (available on most digital platforms...shameless plug). Beth gave birth to our 4th child Saoirse and now we are looking to leave for Ireland in the beginning of August! We still have some challenges ahead of us, but we are trusting God to open the right doors!

So, after six years we are going to take a step of faith and leave in August. If you are reading this letter, we hope you will consider supporting us. There are a few ways you can help: First, please pray we find favor with the Nursing Board and potential employers. The first 3 months we are there are critical. Pray that God will open the right doors in order for us to stay in Ireland. Pray we meet the right people that can help us with this process. Second, we ask that you consider helping us with the first 3 months of expenses with a one-time gift. Ireland is an expensive place to live. Between airline tickets, a rental car and housing, we are looking at about $5000-$6000 per month. Third, we ask that you would consider supporting us monthly. Even though Beth will have employment, we will still need some financial support to offset monthly expenses. However, we are not asking for monthly support until we are officially allowed to live in Ireland long term. We will be consistently communicating via social media and email, sending updates on how things are developing in those first three months.

At the beginning of this letter I said that our story is incomplete, but that I knew how the story ends. My story and your story are part of a much bigger story. The bigger story is that God so loved the world that He gave His only Son and that whoever would believe in Him would not perish but inherit eternal life. The end of the story has Jesus splitting the eastern sky, vanquishing evil, making all things new and sitting on His throne in Jerusalem where He will rule and reign. When our stories fall in line with the bigger story, we’re just along for the ride…obeying, sacrificing, while giving Him the glory. We would be truly honored and humbled if you considered helping us with our story.

The Jones Family.

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