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Chapter Five: Music and Medicine


 Grace and Peace from the Jones Family.  We just wanted to send out an update on all things Jones.  Our son, Nate got married a few weeks ago.  We are very happy to now have Abbey an official part of the family.  The wedding was great.  We are very excited for the both of them.  Anna is back in Buffalo serving at the Dream Center.  Her summers are very busy as she is involved in many different outreaches and programs.  If you want to follow what she is doing there is a link provided below.  Avery is still planning on moving to Ireland in late fall.  Right now, she is working at an ice cream shop called The Sugar Queen Creamery in South Knoxville.  Reeeeeeeeealy good ice cream. 


The rest of us (Aaron, Beth and Saoirse) will be leaving for Ireland September 1st.  Flights booked and passports ready.  We will take the first month to get settled and establish some routines.  Beth begins her position at Mater Hospital in Dublin on October 7th.  It’s awesome that Beth can use her talents as a nurse to minister to the people of Ireland.  Nursing isn’t a job…it’s a calling.  Please pray for Beth as she begins a new chapter in this important ministry.  On September 28th, I’ll be running my first trail race.  I really want to build relationships with people in the local running community. I look forward to establishing friendships and sharing the love of Jesus with fellow runners.  Please pray for God to use this!  Another area you can pray into is that of my music.  Please pray I’ll have opportunities to use what God has given me to share God’s love and truth.  A few weeks ago I was listening to a song by Rich Mullins entitled “Here in America”.  The complete lyric is below, but what really grabbed me was “…because I know the thirsty listen.”  Wow…what a simple yet deep thought.  The thirsty listen.  That is why music is so powerful…because the thirsty, the broken and the hurting listen.  I’m definitely NOT Rich Mullins, but I want to play and sing for “the thirsty”.  Please pray for open doors. 


Music and medicine…that is Beth and I in a nutshell.  Thank you to everyone who has supported us through prayer and gifts.  We truly appreciate it!!  Prayer points and links are listed below.  May the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ grant all of us a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him for the days we are living in! 


Keep running your race and don’t give up!!

The Jones Family

Prayer Points:

  1. Pray for Beth to have a smooth transition into her new position at Mater Hospital.

  2. Pray for God's leading concerning Aaron's music.

  3. Pray for the protection of our entire family during this transition.

  4. Pray for new friendships to begin and opportunities to share God's love.

"Saints and children we have gathered here to hear the sacred story.

And I'm glad to bring it to you with my best rhyming and rhythm.

Cause I know the thirsty listen and down to the waters come

and the Holy King of Israel loves me here in America" Rich Mullins-"Here in America"

Anna's ministry in Buffalo:

Aaron's music website

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