Beth, Saoirse and I send our greetings from Bray, Ireland. We appreciate everyone who has prayed for us this past month. It's been exciting, exhausting and everything in between but we are beginning to adjust to our new way of life. Beth will begin work in Dublin on October 7th. We would appreciate prayer for this next step. Please pray that Beth will have a smooth transition and a peace during these first few weeks at the hospital. Saoirse was a bit difficult the first few weeks, but that's to be expected. She's beginning to adjust and has calmed down considerably. She's such a joy...even with all the energy!
There is a monday night Men's bible study that I'm beginning to attend and it's been great getting to know some of the men in the church. So many different walks of life (Irish, American, South African...etc), but there's one God we serve!
For the past few days a song by Michael W. Smith has been playing on repeat. It's called "Sky Spills Over". The song really resonates with me. It's a prayer (and hope) that God would pour out His Spirit on the dry and thirsty soul. It's also an honest song...recognizing our own weakness and having to depend on God's Spirit for anything to be accomplished. I'll post the lyrics and song link below. Our prayer is that God would pour out His Spirit
on this nation. That He would open the eyes of Irish hearts and grant them a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him! Beth and I have a hope and prayer that Ireland would witness an outpouring of God's Spirit before His return. We want to see God reaching into the depths of human hearts and bringing healing and change in this age of mercy. Throughout history God (in His mercy) has poured out His Spirit on the dry and thirsty ground. We want to see the sky spill over in Ireland.
Once again...thank you for everyone who has given and prayed for us. Please join us in prayer that God would pour out His Spirit on this nation...that the sky would spill over!