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Chapter Seven…We’re On the Ground!


Quick update…We landed in Dublin on Monday, September 2nd. Unfortunately, our luggage did not. Good thing Beth had clothes for her and Saoirse in one of our carry on suitcases. Unfortunately, I did not have any extra clothes! Ha! Oh well. We finally received our luggage yesterday. We’ve been getting acquainted with Bray the past few days and Saoirse has already made a friend on the playground! The music store and running store are right next door to each other…Bray is awesome! I went and played on a few guitars and then went next door and talked trail running with a young man who worked at the store. Fantastic!

We’ve had some time to hang out with Kyle Holland who pastors Cornerstone Church. We also had lunch with a few of the people who are a part of Cornerstone. Kyle and the church have been very welcoming! Can’t wait to worship with them on Sunday. Thank you to everyone who has prayed for us the past few days. It means a lot! We ask that you continue to pray for us in our transition. We’re excited to see what God has in store!

Grace and peace,

Aaron, Beth and Saoirse.

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