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Chapter Eleven: Christmas is upon us!


Nollaig Shona Dhuit!!

We hope you are doing well this Christmas season. Just wanted to give a quick update on the Jones Family. Beth is finished with her adaptation and is just waiting to receive her pin from the Nursing Board. Once she has her pin, she can get her permanent work visa. We're hoping she can soon begin working her normal shift of 3 days a week (3--12 hours shifts). Right now she has been working 5 days a week. Once she's on her normal shift, that will give us more time together...which, by this point, is much needed!

This past Saturday I had the privelage of speaking at the ICEJ Ireland meeting held in Bray. I was very honored for the opportunity and it went well. I find that connecting with people is just as important as ministering through the word and/or music. It's been great to get to know people who attend the ICEJ meetings. Awesome people with like hearts and minds.

I've also had the opportunity to share a few songs with Cornerstone Church and this upcoming Sunday I'll be leading worship for the first time. I love leading worship and encouraging Jesus followers everywhere we go. I really feel that our community is on the edge of something. It just feels like God is about to move in our church in a significant way. When you think of us, please pray for an outpouring of God's Spirit in our church. We're living in exciting times!

Beth and I are also very excited because our daughter Avery has arrived! She will be spending the next few months with us. We're so glad she is is Saoirse! Anna will be flying in on the 23rd to spend Christmas with us. Beth and I are excited to have them in country. We just wish Nate and Abbey could be here, but they will be visiting in the summer. We miss our kids! Speaking of kids...Saoirse is doing well. She's as cute as ever and FULL of energy. Which is great...most of the time. During the day, it's just me and her. We've been on a number of adventures so the time we had to hop a train, walk a trail over a river, talk to a government employee and then sprint a quarter mile to catch a bus. All my years of running are paying off!

We appreciate everyone who have reached out to us the past few months. We need all the enouragement we can get! Thank you to all who have given financially as well. We are honored that you would sew into what we are doing here in Ireland. We've only been here for 3 months, but it feels like a year. Moving to another country is not easy but Jesus is worth it!

I'm hoping to release a couple Christmas songs I've recently written in the next week, so be on the look our for that.

May you experience the presence of God this Christmas season.

James 1:17

17 Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.

Grace and Peace

Aaron and Beth

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